The Floo config file (flooconfig.yml)

This file contains a list of locations registered by the floo network system, this file is pretty delicate, as content here is loaded in a different way, be careful editing it by hand. If you don't feel confident to make changes to the file directly (understandable), you can use the editfloolocation command.

This is an example of the file with a floo location inside:

# ####################################
# # HPWizard Floo Powder config file #
# #          by: TheL0w3R            #
# ####################################

- ==: FlooLocation
  visibility: BOTH
  icon: STONE
  name: '&2&lTest location'
  description: 'This is a test location'
    ==: org.bukkit.Location
    world: world
    x: 826.6800553634685
    y: 31.0
    z: 1220.5491515268652
    pitch: 1.3496039
    yaw: -271.78812